Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Okay, heres the skinny

Heres the deal: The lady I work with, we have been dealing with this stuff for over 2 years now. And not to sound mean, as I know she needs help, is that its driving me batty. She does nothing but bitch and complain about her life. How she has no money, how the only reason she is around is for her son. I am sorry, thats a good reason, but maybe you need to start looking at the bright side of things. Hate begets hate and all that. If you think life sucks, everything will begin to suck.

We have givin her shit tons of advice on what to do, everything from goign to the doctor (shrink) to the little things that will make life easier. She refuses. It just gets to a point of, if you are not gonna help yourself, after two years, why should I help? But, of course, being who I am, I do tend to worry about her. Just wish she would get her head out of a hole and go to counseling. I dont care if it costs money, pay them $5 a month and be done with it.

The boys, are doing well. Although, Nathan spent 3 hours playing the Vsmile last night. He is good at that. Very good. Trenton decided to watch TV all night, and I had no energy so I didnt argue.

EQUpdate: Didnt do anything at all last night, okay not much anyways. Gained about 40% tradeskill on Krys. Found out I want and Ebony Imbued Great Staff (I think I am missing a word in there) I have the rare, I have the Scintillating Flower, now if I can find a woodworker that doesnt charge 1pp to do the combine. Grrrr.

Did get Zymeria to level 64 provie last night. That was cool. Need to spend some time on Gazer Isle provie harvesting. =)

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