Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Well, I just couldn't wait for Transformers to become a member of the five buck club, so we spent a small fortune and went and seen the movie on Friday night. The boys absolutely loved it. There were a few language bits that I thought were over the top and hopefully flew over the boys' head, but no comments were made. I liked it myself. Good robot fight scenes. Robot destruction. The camaro. Bumblebee will always be my favorite /nods.

One thing that we all /gasped at was one of the trailers. Avatar: The Last Airbender. We are all so excited to get see this movie. Too bad it will not be released until next summer. If you have not had the chance to catch the cartoon, I recommend it. Like 6 out of 5 stars recommend. It was an awesome cartoon. There were 3 seasons. I wish they would make more. My one request for the movie: As much as I love Aang, Katara, Sokka, Suki, Zuko, Nut Job Crazy Azula, I really hope that they do justice for Uncle.

Trenton earned his green stripe in Tae Kwon Do. I have pictures, need to upload to my computer and post them. That was our exciting weekend, Transformers and Tae Kwon Do.

In the garden world. I had around 30 stalks of corn, I am down to 15. Gives me ideas for planting for next year. I have pulled around 4-5 cups of raspberries off my two plants, so I hope all the transferred canes take next year. That would be awesome. And in other veggie news, I have about 8 zucchini's on their way. I have tomato's starting as well, and some pepper flowers but no peppers yet. Of course, while typing this, I thought of a tagline (sigline) from one of my message boards: Hope, like zucchini, springs eternal. Cracks me up.

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