Friday, December 23, 2005

Awwww, my poor blog....

is lonely. =p. I have been sooooo busy as of late. Not cool, all I want for Christmas is a nice long nap and a drink =) First I am gonna do this one backwards.

EQUpdate: Krys is now a lovely level 56. And, OMG OMG, I got a master chest drop the other night, and closed my eyes, praying. "Come on, Ice Comet Master 1. Come on baby be in there. I moved my mouse over the chest, clicked on open as I closed my eyes. And what should appear before me as I opened them. Well, lets put it this way, I screamed so loud, I think I woke the babies. Yes sir, Ice Comet, Master 1 in my hot little hands. WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then last night, I am cruising the broker, (I need to get my Intelligence up, now that I have that lovely new spell) and what to my wondering eyes should I see, but a beautiful robe with Flowing Thought II (would sound much better if it were three) For only 3pp while everyone else is selling for like 10-15pp. So my happy ass ran up there and purchased that puppy. Keepers Robe of Quiesence (cant spell that, but if not mistaken it's the same as the EQLive Shaman spell) But I need some suggestions as to where to camp or what to buy to boost my INT. I am sitting at 326, and IC hits for max 5545, although I did get a 6k hit the other night, that rocked, about one shoted a lvl 54^. Was pretty nifty.

Eyezes finally dinged 51, hes so slow, lol. But he quit playing him for awhile, til they figured out most of the coercer stuff. He says "We were so screwed up, but now I can solo again, YAY!" My husband is so weird.

Oh one other thing: Concussive. Not bad, I did get a chance to use it the other night when trioing with Modex, I can pull aggro from his pet quite easily, so this was nice, cast it, cast IC, and boom, no aggro, for the time being. Wasnt too bad, but I can believe it will be fairly useful, on the big long fights. =)

RL: Not as exciting. I have made 14000 cookies. Okay, maybe not that many, but damn it feels like it. We are also hosting Christmas dinner at my house. YAY!

The boys are boys, the hubby, is being himself as well. Work has been hectic, C's mom passed away, so shes out all week, L has been sick, so she was gone two days and Peter has spent every afternoon at Hyundai, because their office manager is on medical leave. HECTIC.

But I have next Tuesday off, and I am gonna sleep sleep sleep.

Damn, bossman is here, will try to write more later and if not. (screw PC) Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: Proof reading is your friend. bah.

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