Thursday, December 15, 2005

Major Appliances

YAY me!!!! We are getting a new refrigerator and a new range on Saturday. Woohoo. Now I wont have to worry about the oven being 100 degrees off anymore. You know how nice that will be? And the fridge. With like fifteen door slots, for all that stuff, you know like ketchup and the like. Will save soo much room. It also has that door in the door thing, where you open this little cubby door, and you can pull out the milk. has a child lock on it.

Well, yesterday it was supposed to snow like 14 gabillion inches, and we got around 2, HA!!!! it was pretty though.

The bus forgot to pick Trenton up yesterday as well, so he got a free day off school. As it was snowing big time when the babysitter called. So I just decided he didnt have to go yesterday. He told me, you know mom, I got to play all day at Ms Mel's and it was fun but boy am I worn out. lol. I thought that was cute.

I really need a digital camara. Badly. I want to take so many pictures. Maybe that will be a goal with income taxed this year. We are this close to getting EIC again this year. I hope we do, but if not, I dont we will ever get it again. With Scott working again. But OMG if we do. The past two years it was a 5k return on my taxes. 5k in my hand. I could really use it again this year. As we are close to finally having all the finances in order and being able to finally live comfortably.

EQUpdate: We went tooling around the living tombs last night. Me, Scott and his brother. (wizzy, coercer, necro, in that order) and boy did we have fun. The three of us are very very capable of taking out heroics. We prefer the ones that are actual groups of mobs, as we mez and then take em out one at a time, but ^^^ are no big deal either. As in enough open area I can take a ^^^ arrow on myself. Takes a while, but I can do it. But anyways we found this nifty little spot in the tombs, so I think we are gonna be hanging out there tonight, not to mention the dungeon XP modifier is always a nice boost =)

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