Happy Birthday Trenton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of all the things, this boy is now 6 years old. Yay! /cry
We are doing his party in Darth Vader/Star Wars. Gotta love it. The party is Saturday.
Okay if I get the chance to talk about the summer I will, but I will just post things from here on out. Although I had to tell the lip story. God that still just breaks my heart.
Anyways, back to work. We are having a tax audit. Sounds like fun, eh??
EQUpdate: Krys is now level 70, and she is working on AA#33. Zymeria is now level 42, and has 4 AA's (maybe) I have also been working on my carpenter, i think she is about level 36/37 now. Should work on her at lunch today. Hmmm.