Thursday, March 27, 2008


Just when you think you have the time to set and chat a bit, you end up with a honker of a project on your desk. I usually love big projects, except those that deal with Kia Rebates. Grrr. At least the lady at Kia is extremely nice and willing to help out.

The kids are doing wonderfully. They are getting way too big for my liking though. Nathan has graduated from speech class. He has to go back when he is about 6 1/2 - 7 years old to get retested for his lateral lisp, but he talks wonderfully now. Yay!!

Trenton is Trenton. Nothing new in his world.

Scott is now out of work and looking for some, but the job market in this area is pretty crappy.

Other than that it is going pretty good. It is spring break right now, so the boys are probably driving Scott up a wall.

Well that's really about it at the moment, will try to get more consistent than I have been. It's funny, I get hooked on something for several months at a time and I forget about everything else, I will try not to do that anymore, lol.

Incoming EQ2 post.

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