Thursday, July 31, 2008

07-31-08 EQ2

Okay here it is. The EQ2 post.

Krystalea. She is sitting at 80 Wizard/80 Sage/376 Transmuting/140 aa’s/Fabled Epic/Tradeskill epic/Thuuga. I have my epic (group version) and I am working on a few pieces of armor. The Praetors Guard would be the all elusive one. Over 100 runs to Voes and nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Damn zone. The Jarseth Robe of Royalty. Now I haven’t run Maidens enough with Krys to say the zone is screwing with me. Yet. And then I want the Edict of whispering wind out of Chelshit. No, that is not a typo. It started as a typo and has remained since then. I do have to say, I will agree with our Warlock friend and zone running partner, that we are all now on a quest to kill every damn tree we see in Kunark as Chelshit has way too much wood too spare.

Master spells. Not too bad considering. I have Fission, Ring of Glaciers, Exothermicity (that is so spelled wrong, isn’t it?), and Tyrant. I think I may have one more, but I am not sure. I will have to check Krys out. It’s is not a damage spell though. No, the more I think, the more I will go with, that’s all she has.

Zymeria. 80 Defiler/80 Provisioner/400 Tinkerer/131 aa’s, possibly 130/Tradeskill epic. I love Zymeria and I feel like a healing god when I play her. She hasn’t gotten a lot of attention as of late. Seeing our guild has grown some, she is not needed as much. Kind of makes me sad. She does not have her fabled epic. Need to work on that one.

The only thing Zymeria has left that I want to push is Thuuga, and the Clan stormshield repeatable's in JW. I need to sit and do some collections or lower level quests for some AA’s.

Arzania. 80 Swashy/80 Woodworker/138 aa’s/Fabled epic/Thuuga. She just started on the tradeskill epic, so that will be incoming soon. Hell the only reason to do that is for the 45% speed boost, lol. I like to think I have geared her up fairly decently. She is wielding her epic and Anaphylaxis. She has the leviathan breastplate from Chelsith. I am happy where she sits, and anything else she gets is extra.

Zephina. 78 Bruiser/80 Jeweler/122 (?) aa’s/Tradeskill epic. Not sure if I will work on her fabled epic or not. We shall see. At level 77 I gave tanking CoA a try. I was able to tank all but the final named. Woot. I really really need gear. I really need to finish the JW quests and move on.

Attalyne. 29 Troub/80 Carpenter.

Myrinna. 42 Necro/80 Weaponsmith.

Desania. 27 Guardian/27/28 Armourer.

I have no idea what the aa count is on those three.

Hidden Agenda. God I love our guild name. It elicits all sorts of questions. We dinged level 40 on Monday. Our goal is level 50 for the guild halls. Don’t think that is too feasible, so basically, level 50 by the expansion. We have grown and added a few to our ranks. We have 8 guildies in total now. It was 10, but 2 left to go raid, but we are still hanging out with them fairly often.

There is not much else going on atm. I may be back later with something, depends on the day I have. =)


Ha!!!! Just as you would imagine, things are starting to slow down around here and I now have the chance to sit and write a few things.

Scott: Jobless, but hopefully not for long. He has three interviews next week, so lets all keep our fingers crossed that he gets one of them. He is also starting a few projects on the house in the meantime to keep his worry away when he is not out looking for work.

Trenton: My little boy will be 8 on Sunday. I cannot believe that. He has grown up so much and I am starting to see glimpses of what he will be like when he is a teenager. It scares me, lol.

He will be starting the third grade this year. He says all his friends say that the 3rd grade is boooorrrrriiiinnnnggggg. Gotta love it.

Baseball. This child has improved in baseball 1000 fold. He loves it as well. Let’s hope that he can keep it up next year too. Which I had written more over the summer, so I could use pictures and stories, /sigh

Nathan: Awww the joys of actually pining to go back to school. Is it time yet? Is it time yet? Is it time yet? Yup, that’s what I hear quite often.

As we know, fishing and baseball for Nathan are the end all be all of the summer. He now has two fishing poles, as he won one in a mini kid’s tournament at the beginning of the summer. And for baseball, well, he hit a home run, over the fence home run, coach pitch. That child just amazes me sometimes.

Me: Well even I start school in two weeks. I am going to buy my books this weekend. Can you believe it? I will be in school. I am starting with Algebra, as a refresher and then world religions as my humanities requirement. I am actually somewhat excited, scared, worried, the whole nine yards.

I will try try try to update more often and with better things as well. Like, pictures and stories. Lol. Stay tuned for the EQ2 portion that is incoming.