Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Uh-huh Just What I Thought

Well I think I may have pink eye. Isnt that nice? I woke up this morning with my eye glued shut, and now it itches like a son of a gun. My only problem with this is my contacts. I only have one pair left, and my glasses are about 2 prescriptions behind. So its likely I will not be seeing much the next few days. Ewwwww!!!!!!!!!

Had my carpel tunnel test yesterday. Hah! Never wanna do that again. They shock you and stick needles in you, and then he turns around and says, theres not a thing wrong. Okay then why does my wrist hurt and my hand numb? Any answers for that? For some reason it just doesnt seem right.

/skips along singing "I got a new computer! I got a new computer!" /skips off

OMG, this thing is absolutely amazing. I cant remember all the specs off hand. But is a 2.8 gig dual processor, 1gig ram, I got a new video card, 256 nvidia. It has integrated sound, OMG, the sound is unreal. And I no longer skip through Maj'dul. As a matter of fact, I am having zero lag, latency and any of those issues. My zone times went from approx 1 minute to around 10-20 seconds at most, it used to take me around 3 minutes to zone in Maj'dul, god I loathed that zone, not anymore. I see spell graphics that I have never seen, all the pretty colors. Everything is unreal, its like a whole new world.

Yee Haw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woohoo grats on the new computer! Only problem now is you'll have to figure out how to get all those little things done that you were used to be able to do while you were waiting for your toon to zone :)