Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I am just Flabbergasted

Trenton just totally blew my mind last night. I mean literally, jaw dropping, OMG, I can't believe you did that. We all know that Trenton is not my sleeper, never has been, and I though never would be.

Last night, they were taking a bath, and Nathan got out, Trenton stayed in the tub. I hear him yell, taking the plug out, which means he is almost done, as he likes to stay in till all the water is gone. Well I was talking to Scotts mom, and so I finished up my conversation. When I go to get him, hes not in the tub, and I hear a giggle. I look over into his room and he is in bed. hmmm. What are you doing? I ask. He says that he is tired. He had started his movie, and was laying in bed. So, at that point (it's 7:30) I tell him he needs to get dressed and tell everyone good night. So get dressed, he asks for a drink, which I get him, he goes and gives everyone a kiss. Asks me to tuck him in and turn off the light.

Are you really that tired Trenton, I have to ask him. His response is classic gold. "Mom, I had a really long day, especially at school. We had to do all centers today and I am just worn out." Hahahahahahahahaha, he was asleep 20 minutes later. /boggled

I am now wearing a wrist brace. I knew it was coming. I have carpel tunnel. I knew I have had it for a while, just never been to the doctor for it. Only reason I went yesterday, was that my hand went numb and never came back. I go in on Feb 22, to have the testing done. Seems a little interesting to me.

EQ: I dinged Krys 58. Just now started on the Peacock club quest line. Scott and I running around doing it. Seems interesting. A quest within a quest, and when done leads to another quest. I like stuff like that. =)

Nothing else to report really. Am working on a video clip, a couple actually, to get hosted so I can post them here, and then also get time to upload some pictures I took of the boys. =) All in all, everything is well.

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