Friday, December 30, 2005

The New Year!!

Well I did some changes on the side for links and such. You will notice that I don't have the links complete for my characters except Krys, but I am at work, and we have websense, which blocks gaming sites, although I can read the "official forums" Its odd. Anyways, I tried proxy, but that gives you some goofy ass address and its not the proper link, so I will have to do that at home.

I have lots of pictures filling up on my new camera, have to get that printer hooked up and the camera software installed, doing that this weekend. And then it will be time to spread the love with pictures =) Have to show off those two beautiful boys of mine.


EQ: Play when I can and make all the stinking food Zym has sitting in the bank for the guildies. Just cant get motivated for that, as I get no XP, and we really really need those batch refines. /nod yep yep. Krys's goal is just to keep up with the pace, be at top level before expansions, and slowly work on gear, or faster, depending on the rate I can get some money.

RL: OMG, since we have been without a camera for so long, its take lots and lots and lots of pictures of the babies. As for anything else, I hate making resolutions, because I always end up breaking them.

As for the weight loss thingy up top. I haven't changed it, well, because I haven't lost anything over the holidays. Haven't gained anything either, so that's good. We should be back to normalcy by the end of this weekend. And I can get back on track.

Oh oh, I did think of one more resolution. And that is to keep in touch with my friends better, because I really suck at that. Love to Stephen, Erik, Kim, and Denise /hugs =) (Yes, I only have four friends =p)

EQLand: Dinged Krys 37 sage, helped Scott finish up his blade of assassin heritage, checked ferrott for my last bouncer, killed PH went to bed. So Exciting!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


And aside from the strep throat sounds like you had a nice Xmas /HUGS!!