Friday, December 02, 2005

I wanna do that again!

EQUpdate: OMG. I spent approximately 25 gold on the stupid gigglegibber goblin gambling game (say that 5 times fast while drunk =p) to try to win the (at the time) 475pp jackpot. Of course, I am not 475pp richer, but someone on Najena in the middle of the night, is now 500pp richer. Congrats to them =)

We ended grouping, Scott and I, with Borac and Sinister, and Modex tagged along. We went to Clefts of Rujark and hit the third floor, Epic X2 groups. OMG. Can I say that again? OMG. I think we fought for about 2 hours, maybe. I started the night with no Xp into 54. I ended the night with 57% into 54. That was some rocking ass XP. I am all about doing that again. Hell ya!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

/pat /pat /pat.... omg thats an awful lot of plat. I've grown to both worship and hate that little goblin!!