Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Merry Christmas

What a weekend this has been! Lets see, I wrote on Friday, I think it was. So Friday night, Scott’s mom took the boys out to dinner and then shopping. They left at 6:30 and got home at about 9:15. In that time, we were able to clean the house, finish up some cookies, make Port Wine Cheese Spread, and wrap all the presents for the boys and each other, and every one else.

So they get home, and whine of course about going to bed. Here is where I notice that Nathan is a little congested, and despite my best efforts, including holding him down, I cannot get him to take any medicine. Anyways a good hour later, they are finally asleep and then Scott and I head off to bed. I know that we did end up playing EQ, but I have no clue whatsoever what we did.

So Saturday we get up at like around 7:30am, Scott had to work. Now, they left him with an open-ended schedule, meaning they had no clue what time he was going to come home and be done with work. So I pick up the little, basically meaning, I follow the boys around and clean up their messes. Then I get THE phone call. The one where Scott says that he is going to end up working until his normal shift of 4:00, with no chance in hell of getting out early, to enjoy Christmas Eve with the family.

So anyways, we work around that, I make my Scrumptious Carrot Cake. Yummmmmmmmmy!!!!! And then finally Scott gets home, which leaves us about 45 minutes, and we have to leave. We head over to Scott’s cousins house, and stay there for a little bit and then head to my mom and dad’s, dropped off the boys and went home. My parents took the boys out to see Christmas lights and such for about an hour. It was just enough time to get the rest of everything in order and take a shower. For both of us.

Once the boys got home, which was about 9, we changed them into pj’s and then headed to the computer and checked the Santa tracker. That was cute. Trenton was getting all excited. So then we set up the cookies and the milk, put the reindeer food in bowls and set that outside, left the porch light on so that Santa could see his way into the house, and tucked them in. Read them a story. Then turned out the lights. All you could hear for about 5 minutes was Trenton talking to Nathan. “Nathan go to sleep, if you don’t Santa won’t show up and give us presents.” Then Nathan says “k” and that was it. They were out.

We put out the presents and then went to bed. YeeHaw!!

Christmas morning was cool. And crazy. They opened presents enjoyed all that they got, and then Trenton had a fit that Nathan’s presents were bigger. But then Scott had a talk with him, and said that his were cooler than Nathan’s and that made Trenton feel all better. People came over, we made dinner, and OMG Scott made the most wonderful ham. God I love my husbands cooking. And then of course we got to open more presents. Now lets see if I can get this right.

V Smile Pocket (this was actually for both boys)
Games for the V Smile: Spiderman, Scooby Doo, and Mickey Mouse
Sorry game, with Disney characters
A bunch of little stocking stuffers
Two movies: Willy Wonka (with Johnny Depp) and then March of the Penguins
A slot car set
A Disney shirt, with Dash on it

Two games for the V Smile: Elmo’s world and Care Bears
A Disney shirt, with Buzz Lightyear on it
A Thomas the train video
A wooden train set
A wooden army base/plane set (with 1000 little pieces)
A real train set, oh boy did that make him soooo excited
A little Einstein’s video

(I cannot remember everything, I need to start writing this crap down)

A nice shirt
An Eric Clapton CD

A CSI puzzle (cant wait to start on this)
The Garth Brooks CD from Walmart
Three new outfits

Scott and I
An absolutely beautiful wind chime
A refrigerator (Scott’s mom)
A stove (from each other)
A digital camera, memory card, accessory set and a printer that you can hook up to the computer, or just pop the camera on it (from my parents)

This Christmas totally rocked.

Well, I did end up with one gift that I did not want, and that was Strep Throat. So yay me, I ended up with Monday and Tuesday off, so I played EQ all day. =)

EQland: I played a lot and ended up at 50% through 57, I hope to be 58 by the end of the year, and am anxiously awaiting the announcement of the expansion to see if we get a level increase or not. If we don’t, I suppose I will have several characters at 60, at least
tradeskill wise.

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