Friday, May 05, 2006

The snowball effect

One day (actually, a week ago Sunday) my husband decided to fix a light out in the garage. Yup. Do you know what happened after that? Hahahahah

So anyways, he fixed the light, and now there was no power in the garage. So he went and started to rewire the garage. Ok. Well the washer/dryer are on the same circuit as the garage. He says no worries, we don't like the paneling in here, so I will just take that down and rewire a new circuit for the washer and dryer, and we can drywall the laundry room. Sure. Ok.

Well you know, I should fix this outlet on this wall (other side of the wall to the laundry room). Well we talked about taking this wall down anyways. Yup. Sure. Ok.

But now its almost done. We opened up the kitchen into the laundry room, which is now gonna be dining room. Will get pictures up, as soon as it is done. Gotta see if I have any before pictures. /ponder

Trenton has his root canal and crown done on Monday. No more screaming YAY. He feels much much better. Thank god. It was really starting to get very bad, the pain in this tooth. So bad to the point, that the two nights before the crown, he was up part of the night. I really wish they had a ER of Dentistry.

Nathan started his speech therapy on Tuesday, and had his hearing test on Wednesday. He passed that with flying colors. And speech I think is really gonna help. He needs to slow down. I think the majority of his problem is that he is speaking much quicker than his brain is thinking about forming the words. He slows down and you can actually understand what he is saying, even with 3 year old inflections (think thats the word).

EQUpdate: Krys is 66. Actually about 80% through, so I am hoping to see 67 this weekend. The acrylia changed for ad3's kinda pissed me off, and thats only cuz I sold three of those before the announcement on test. So actually, I am kicking myself in the ass for not saving those. =(

Zymeria hit 69 provie. Although, I never made food to sell. I think this tier I am, I was selling all my extras after handing stuff out to eyezes, modex and myself. Wow. Truly impressed. I just need to go on a harvesting session. Big harvesting session.

One other thing. Scott and I wanted to try out WoW, just check it out see what its all about. But they don't have a free trial. I guess they did at one point, but thats no more. So if you hear about another one, let me know, please? Thank you. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow isn't that bad, but my wife and I quit due to the high content of asshats (see: Immature players) and the game turned from being casual player friendly to "you'll get owned in 5 seconds in pvp if you don't have the highest set of armor".
I hope EQ2 isn't the same, I'm really hoping I get to play that soon... and it shouldn't be as bad since PVP isn't a main aspect of the game =)