Monday, February 19, 2007


Well, I can't remember what I have typed and when, so I guess I will just start all over, lol. So what is going on? A whole lot and then some more. Let's do this the easy way :)

Nathan: Well after fighting, bitching and moaning, I finally got Nathan back into speech therapy after our insurance switch. Had to find a new therapist, and that sucked, but he is back in. I also had him tested out at the local pre-school. You have to have some sort of delay to get into this pre-school (yes I was going to use his speech, rather cheap of me, I know). Well we went for testing and they say he doesn't have a speech problem. Hmm tell that to the therapist and poor ole Han Trolo (aka Han Solo). And maybe the pretty little bubberplies (butterflies) would like some time in that sun as well.

Anyways after having a discussion with the schools therapist (a very heated one at that) they called me the other day. It appears they would like to keep an eye on Nathan's speech. So he starts pre-school tomorrow. I also spoke to Nathan's private therapist and she states what he has, besides 10 letter switches, is a lateral lisp.

Trenton: Is now a tiger cub, in the great Boy Scouts. He is liking it and having fun. 1st grade is treating him well. We had a few attitude problems, but it is getting much better now. As is his reading. He graduated his little individual reading program and is on par with the rest of the class. He is also one of the top in his class for Mathematics. Yay!!

Scott: Still working at Chrysler and still on 3rd shift. That's okay, works well for now. That's about all that's going on in his land.

Me: Not much going on here either. I quit smoking for a while. Started back up. I could not handle the voices, ARGHHHHHHH!!!! (haha) I started a work out program called T-tapp. I really really like it and it makes me feel really good. Go go me. Other that that, life around here is the same =)

EQLand: Well this might have the biggest updates. So I will just do a quick round up. Krystalea is now 70 Wizard/70 Sage/67 aa's/167 Transmuting. Zymeria is now 70 Defiler/70 Provisioner/61 aa's/18 Tinkering (just cant harvest that much, lol) Zephina - 64 Jeweler, Attalyne - 24(25?) Troubadour/53 Carpenter, Myrinna - 36 Conjuror/50 Weaponsmith and Arzania (my little fae) - 23 Swashbuckler/20 Woodworker.

Hidden Agenda (my guild) allied with another really small guild, called Tears of Blood and we have been having a blast. Its nice finally have a flippin competent group to do things. So right now we are working on claymore stuff and instances. Gonna see about getting help with Hoolah. I could use that hat, And also Mark of Awakening, really want that.

Can't wait for Estate of Unrest to go in, though. And the beginning of Prismatic 4.0. Another quest line, should bring good rewards and lots of aa's. Woohoo. I just wonder when the next expansion pack will be out. /ponders

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