Monday, August 18, 2008


Where do I even begin?

Okay let’s start with the job situation. It royally sucks donkey balls. Scott has been out there for 6 months now, looking and applying and just plain old beating feet, and here we sit, with him still unemployed. We thought Target had gone really well. Well we still haven’t heard anything from them. They are hiring over 100 people. The guy apparently liked Scott a lot. The interview lasted an hour. Why in the hell have they not called?? I think on Wednesday, he should call them and ask them what is going on. /nods

School for the boys starts this week. Trenton starts on Wednesday for only two hours. Parent orientation for Nathan on Wednesday night, then Nathan starts school on Thursday. Nathan is looking very forward to beginning school. He has been asking and asking for the past 6 weeks when school is going to start.

I start school tonight. I am scared, nervous, excited, and all around not sure if I am doing the right thing. I mean school is never wrong, but I am also 33, will be damn near 40/41 when I graduate. I know it is the right thing. I know it is. Now tell my body to stop acting all crazy and get rid of the nervousness

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