Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Its Snowing

Its snowing outside. Trenton thought that was the shit. He was all excited. I want to build a snowman, he tells me. LOL. There just isnt enough snow yet. Its snowing but its not sticking. And OMG its freaking cold out there.

This weekend was definately a test on my nerves. I have loris little one (I may have mentioned that) and he is a handful. So needless to say, I honestly dont think I am gonna be doing that again. NO NO NO.

Nathan also spent the whole weekend sicker than a dog, poor little guy. And of course I got it, figures. Trenton seems to be doing fine in that respect. Thank goodness.

Lets see what else? Trenton has gone to sleep in his own bed, for two days in a row now. Weeeeeeee. YEAH!!! We are gonna have a little party. Very very cool. So very very cool. LOL. This truely excites me.

Well I called the mortgage company and got the process started on an Equity Line of Credit. I am hoping we get it, pay off all the credit cards, and then live life without having to worry about money so damned much. Payments will be $83 a month, if the account is at its limit. Considering you only pay the interest. Anything above and beyond that, gets put to the principal period. So I am hoping that this works and goes through. Keep your fingers crossed.

EQUdate: Not much going on in EQland. I need to update this site with all my characters, so that the progress can be watched if wanted. I am just so ready to get Zymeria to level 60 provisioner. Yee Haw!!!

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