Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My Bike

This weekend, with the boys playing outside and it was so nice, Scott decided to clean out the garage. Mostly. Well in the process, all the boys (except Nathan) were riding bikes and poor Nathan was chasing after them, Scott found Trenton's old little bike and rolled it out into the front yard. Of course Nathan sees this and wants to ride it. I tell him that he cant just yet as we need to buy some training wheels for it so he doesn't fall, and then when he gets really good we can take the training wheels and he can ride it like that all he wants.

Of course, that made him very sad. A little while later Scott declares he has to run to the store for some things and he will be right back. About an hour later he gets home, and here Nathan is sitting next to me with this bike all sad that he cant ride it.

Well Scott comes over and asks what is wrong and I tell him the story and Nathan just continues to sit there and look sad. So Scott says, "Look at this Nathan." And out of his bag he pulls a set of training wheels. This child started jumping up and down and clapping and screaming. It was great. Now all I hear is about riding his bike and that's all he wants to do, and he is already getting really good at it. Yay!!

I bought new shows for the boys this weekend. They fit really well. So I thought. I had to go out and purchase another bigger shoe for Trenton last night. Will someone please tell these children to quit growing so fast!!

Monday night was kind of wild. I was driving home (had the truck) and some guy starts waving and motioning to roll my window down. He says my rear tire is going flat and that there is a gas station up the way. I tell him thank you and mention I live maybe 5 minutes from where we were and I would be good. Well I get into the turn lane at the next light and I swear I can hear the grind of metal. I make my turn and pull onto the side road, get out, and sure as shit the tire is flat as can be.

I hop back into the truck, call Scott, then call the Hospital to say Nathan is not going to make it and wait. When Scott gets there he gets going on changing the tire, and I decide to wait about 5 minutes before I have to leave and get Trenton from school. Good thing I did. There was no freaking jack in the truck. As a side note, we bought the truck were I work at about 6 months ago. So he gets in the car and we get Trenton, run by dad's work, grab his jack and precede back to the truck. After a little bit of trouble here and there, get the tire changed and start putting everything back where it belongs. Then I notice something really goofy. The tires on the truck are 17" and the spare is 16". Just lovely. As of now, the truck is still sitting in my service department, but should be done today. Lovely.

EQUpdate: Haven't been doing much. I think I updated everything on Monday for EQ. I did get krys to 86 aa's though. Met a very nice level 19 Wizard looking for advice the other night. A little too talkative (and for me, that is weird, considering how talkative I normally am).

We are talking about hitting X2 content, a couple people in Tears have hit 60 and with them, we can pull 2 full groups together. So we were thinking of the Silent City. If you have any ideas, please help me. :)

The guild dinged 26. And we are almost 30% through it now. I have been doing writs. I am also going to set up Guild Writ Night, at least once a week. I may do twice a week, not sure yet. I also set up a page on guild portal, but seeing I am at work, I am blocked from that site. I will get it linked up here in the next day or two.

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