Monday, April 23, 2007


I have been so sick. Woke up on Wednesday morning with a fever that did not go away until Friday late afternoon. I am still feeling worn out. What really sucks about it, is that Wednesday was also my anniversary. 9 years. Scott and I have been married 9 years. Wow. Doesn't feel like it.

So, needless to say, I have not done much since last Wed. This weekend was beautiful and the boys played outside for the most part. I was feeling better, just needed several naps to make it through the weekend.

EQUpdate. Didn't do much here either. Lets see, Carpenter to level 64. Woodworker to level 32. Tinkering to 175/350 (halfway there, yay). We did try to go to Nizara on Saturday. Tough zone. We need to get more geared up, I believe. We also tried Nek3, which reminds I need to look for a cheat sheet, lol. Zym dinged AA 70. I think that's about it. Oh I spent all my money and purchased Vertabrack for Krys.

We did ding the guild level 26, and are now 24% through 26. We found that the writs in Kelethin (loping plains) run much quicker, and offer more status. Goal is level 30 and keep ticking. Running a couple nights a week, pulling done status for the guild and to see where we end up. :)

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