Friday, October 28, 2005

Do you pat?

I do. And apparently, I do it a lot. As was pointed out by my father, and then when asking my husband, he was in agreement. So, I watch myself. Trenton is sitting in my lap, I give him a kiss, and I pat his leg. Hmmmm. Go to give Nathan a good bye kiss. Pick him up, kiss him, pat his butt. Hmmmm. So I go and ask Scott. "Hey hun" "yes sweetie" he says, "Do I pat a lot?" He goes, "What do you think you did when you said hey hun?" Oh dear. So there ya go, annoying habit number 1.

We went window shopping last night. Getting some ideas for the boy's room. They get their bunkbeds on the 12th of Nov. Kinda interested in seeing how they react.

Anything else? Ummm, no. Not at the moment.

EQUpdate: Having fun on my little conjurer. She's level 14 now, yup yup. She is fun to play. But scott needs to get his butt in gear and make me some bags, yes he does. I have zero room on my character, I kill three things and then boom, out of room. It sucks.

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