Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!!

Well, I am up here in the front of the dealership, covering the damn phones. I really hate the phones, as this computer moves really really slow, so for me to get my work done is horrendous. And the space bar does not want to work consistantly. So that is rather annoying.

Well not too longer and we can go trick or treating, or tick r teetin at Nathan says. Trenton is being Robin, and Nathan is going as a lion, RAWR. It will be so much fun. Will have mom and dad get the digital camara out and take lots of pictures. Thankfully, as of right now, the weather is being cooperative. I hope it continues that way.

I kinda gave up on the smoking thing. This was a really bad weekend, although I did switch brands so that its cheaper. Once Scott gets the job at the post office I am gonna have to do something like hyponotizism, to see if that works. Because me and my no will power are not working on this at all. Although I have not had any candy, even though it is floating around here like crazy.

I have been doing one thing, to sorta try to improve self image. As of right now, the only time I have been getting dressed up, or even wearing make up for that matter, so as of late I have been putting in earrings. So I am gonna make up a make up bag, and put that in my purse so I can start doing my makeup in the morning, here at work, because I never seem to have the time at home, and then the boys bother me and that sucks. Been wearing my hair down or in a barrett so thats not too bad. Maybe I could stick a curling iron in there, and do that as well. I seem to get here at about 7:05 and I am not supposed to start work until 7:30, so maybe I can use that time to my advantage.

Nothing much exciting happened this weekend. So nothing to report there.

EQUpdate: They changed the amount of experience you get from crafting, so this weekend, I got Zym from level 44 provisioner to level 49 provisioner. Go Go Crafting. =)

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