Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Its Spring

Well, you can now tell it is spring, and it is not the weather determining that. The determination comes when your son (or in some cases, daughter) come home from playing all day, with two knees that are so scratched and banged up, you just know.

Trenton was at the sitters yesterday (spring break time) and he was playing basketball with the other boys. It was nice enough that he was wearing shorts. Shorts, basketball, and concrete drives, do not mix. The poor boy's knees are just torn up. Wearing jeans would have made it a little better, but then we would be out a pair of jeans, as the knees would have been toast after that fall.

As I said, it is spring break this week. Trenton was extremely excited about it. He gets to go to the sitters and play with all the boys (and scrape his knees up). Nathan, on the other hand, is very upset that he doesn't get to go to school. But, with preschool, wouldn't you be sad as well? I know I would, lol.

It has been so nice here. I want to say we have been outside since Saturday morning. On Sunday we went to the park with Brendan and family. Spent over 3 hours there. It has been just so much fun, and so nice. I can clean my house, it stays clean because they are outside. I have the windows open for fresh air. I put the boys to bed and I swear they are asleep within one minute of me saying goodnight to them. It has just been so nice these past few days. Today is good temperature wise, but it is supposed to be rainy and stormy. Nothing yet, just cloudy.

EQLand: You know these quests. Good idea. I finished up the two Swords quests that are in atm. I also finally finished up Sol Ro. Got a great portion of the hoola hat quest done as well. I need the PoA and SoS updates, and then the solo nest instance. Going to try to get that this week.

Last night, I ran around and finished up, Interception I believe is the name. I did three in Felwithe. Interception, Shereths Missing Book, and the portion of Shield of the Magi. Went to work on Mushroom eating gnomes...but the guy was not up. I also started the Corruption in the Faydark Series. I did all this solo, and in about 90 minutes. Gained around 35% aa. Pretty good I say, lol.

I also did a little tradeskilling here and there. Krys is up to 183/350 Trans. My Carpenter is now level 58. And I dinged my weaponsmith to level 51.

We ran OoB on Sunday real quick for Scott, and we finally got him his boots. Yay. He is talking about doing a Crypt run tonight if the boys go down nice and quietly. lol. Now Krys still needs the wrists from there as well. So here's to hoping.

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